A Packing Guide for Your Ontario Trout Fishing Trip


Packing things that are similar in function together in one bag will help you stay organized on your trip. It will also greatly aid you finding that one thing you need. Whether you are trout fishing in Ontario or going after other species, your hosts at Ontario fishing lodges and resorts can help you identify which of your fishing gear you should bring. They can also help you sort through what you need to bring and what you need to leave at home. You need less than you think. Make sure to coordinate with other group members to avoid bringing unnecessary duplicate items.

A Packing Guide for Your Ontario Trout Fishing Trip
A Packing Guide for Your Ontario Fishing Trip


You can really get bogged down with all the stuff you might possibly want to bring with you on your trout fishing trip. Here is a guide for packing the essentials.

You need a “Go Bag”

  • Travel and Identity Documents
    • Passports, driver’s license, vehicle registration and insurance card
  • Fishing documents
    • For every angler 18+ years old, a valid fishing license and Ontario Outdoors Card
  • Paper maps of everywhere you intend to go
    • Cell phone reception will be spotty and unreliable
  • Flashlight
  • Water and snacks

Pack a Hygiene/Medics Bag

  • The essentials of what you need at home for hygiene
  • Your prescription medications
  • Pain relievers
  • Good quality first aid kit

Pack a Clothing Bag for each person

  • Temperatures will vary widely, plan on layers
  • Pants, shirts, shoes, socks, undergarments
  • Sweaters, hoodies
  • Raingear
  • Gloves
  • Wide brim hat with strap against windy days
  • Polarized sunglasses
    • Aids seeing fish under water
    • Reduces strain caused by glare

Pack fishing gear appropriate to target species

  • You know best what works for you
  • Consult the Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary for the current year
    • Know what tackle is legal in Ontario
  • Consult fishing resort hosts for recommended gear on their lakes